Professional competence, experience and academic recognition

Professional ethics and deontology

New Technologies and innovation for the benefit of the client

Cohesion and solidarity

Cláudia Monge

Cláudia Monge


Admitted to the Portuguese Bar Association, 2000

Languages: en fr


Academic Career

PhD from the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon in the area of Legal and Political Sciences with the theme The Right to Health Protection and the Content of Medical Care in February 2016.

Master’s degree in Legal and Political Sciences, by the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon (Master’s thesis with the theme: Contribution to the study of Health Law: the provision of health care), in 2002.

Graduated in Law from the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, in 1998.


Other relevant training

Auditor of the Centre of Biomedical Law Courses of the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra (7th Postgraduate Short Course in Informed Consent, November 2011; 4th Postgraduate Short Course in Clinical Process and Secret, in March 2012); auditor of the First Postgraduate Course on Medical Law and Criminal Justice of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon (academic year 2013-2014).

Contracting Management of Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) and other complex public procurement course: realizing value for money in the contract execution phase  (PPP) and other complex public procurement: a real value for money in the contract execution phase organized by the European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA), held in Maastricht in October 2013.

European Summer School Health Law and Bioethics – Toulouse, 2012, admitted following an entrance test by the Biomedical Law Centre of the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra.

Professional Career

Current professional situation:

Part-time Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Lisbon since December 2022.

Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, since 2016;

Assistant at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon since 1999;

Researcher at the Public Law Research Center of the University of Lisbon.

Lawyer, Partner at BAS – Law Firm, SP, RL;

Lawyer since 2000.


Professional experience as a lawyer

Admitted to the Bar Association in 1998 as a trainee and in 2000 as a lawyer;

Law and legal services, in particular in the areas of Health Law, in the different subjects that integrate this branch of Law, namely health care contracting, financing of the health system, patients’ rights, protection of medical data, civil, criminal, and deontological responsibility of health professionals, public-private partnerships in health, and Administrative Law, Public Procurement and Protection of Personal Data.


Professional experience as a professor

02.2016– present: Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon;

2002 – 01.2016: Assistant at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon.

1999 – 2002: Junior assistant at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, between 1999 and 2000.

2000 – 2003: Invited assistant at the Atlântica University, professor of Health Law and Bioethics in the Health Management course.

2002 – 2020:  Professor at Fundação CEFA (Local Authority Public Training Centre) in the courses for Municipal Police and Municipal Inspector.

October 2003 – August 2004: Collaboration with Lusófona University in the subject of Health Law and Bioethics.

2005-2006: Invited assistant in the post-graduation course in Health Law at the Faculty of Law of the Catholic University, in Lisbon.

2008: Professor in the post-graduation course in Health Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon.

2010 – present: Professor in the Masters course in Regulation and Evaluation of Drugs and health products, at the Pharmacy Faculty of the University of Lisbon.

12.2022 – present: Part-time Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Lisbon;

2017-2018, 2018-2019, 2019-2020, 2020-2021, 2021-2022 – Guest lecturer at the Short Postgraduate Course in Medical Liability at the Biomedical Law Center of the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra;

2018-2019, 2019-2020, 2020-2021, 2021-2022 – Guest lecturer at the Postgraduate Course in Health Law, Faculty of Law – Lisbon School, Portuguese Catholic University;

2018-2019, 2019-2020 – Guest lecturer at the Postgraduate Refresher Course in Medical Law, Leges Artis, Prática Clínica, Faculty of Medicine, University of Lisbon;

2019, 2020 – Scientific co-coordinator and lecturer at the 1st and 2nd Advanced Course in Health Law at the Institute of Legal and Political Sciences of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon;

2019-2020, 2020-2021 – Guest lecturer at the IV and V Courses on Medicines Law, Postgraduate Refresher Course, IURIS – Institute for Interdisciplinary Research, Faculty of Law, University of Lisbon;

2019-2020, 2020-2021, 2021-2022 – Guest lecturer at the I and II Course on Civil Liability of Public Entities, at the Institute of Legal and Political Sciences of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon;

2020 – Guest lecturer at the Post-Graduate Course in Civil Protection Law at the Institute of Legal and Political Sciences of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon;

2020-2022 – Guest lecturer in the Postgraduate Program in Management of Health Institutions at ISEG, co-responsible for the Health Law Curricular Unit;

2022 – Guest lecturer in the Health Law and Ethics Curricular Unit of the Health Unit Management Training Course (FOGUS III) promoted by the National School of Public Health of Universidade Nova de Lisboa and Clínica Sagrada Esperança.


– Senior Researcher at the Public Law Research Center of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon;

– Member of the Ethics Committee of the Academic Center of Medicine of Lisbon (CAML) since November 2020;

– Member of the Advisory Board of the Institute of Evidence-Based Health (ISBE) (2020);

– Member of the National Public Health Council, appointed by order of Her Excellency the Minister of Health on January 20, 2020;

– Member of the Commission for the Revision of the Basic Health Law, under the terms of Order nº. 1222-A/2018, of January 31, 2018, of His Excellency the Minister of Health, published in Diário da República, 2nd series, no. 24, February 2, 2018; participation in a legislative reform commission as an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon; the Commission presented the Report and the Draft Bill available at the website and here.

– Member of the Ethics Committee of the English Hospital in Campo de Ourique, Lisbon, in 2004.


– “Data Protection and health data treatment – some issues”, in Domingos Soares Farinho, Francisco Paes Marques, and Tiago Fidalgo de Freitas, Data Protection Law – Public and Private Perspectives published, ICJP – CIDP collection, Almedina, June 2023.

– “International Human Rights Law and derogations for reasons of health protection: grounds and limits”, in Maria Luísa Duarte, Ana Rita Gil and Tiago Fidalgo de Freitas (eds.), Human Rights and the Rule of Law, Protection in the European and International Framework, Lisbon, AAFDL Editora, 2022, pp. 137-198;

– “The rights of people in a health context in International Law, European Union Law and Portuguese Law”, in Rute Simões Ribeiro (coord.), Cristina Ventura and Paulo Gonçalves (editors), Advocacia da Cidadania de Saúde, Manual para associações de pacientes e outros advocates, Lisbon, Petrony, 2022, pp. 435-441;

“The early directives of will in the legal Portuguese”, in Alinne Arquette Leite Novais, Hildeliza Boechat Cabral, Raquel Veggi Moreira, Tratado de Bioética Jurídica, Almedina, july 2022;

– “Green hospitals: between the right to health and environmental protection”, in Carla Amado Gomes, Cláudia Monge, Aquilino Paulo Antunes and Heloísa Oliveira (coord.), Sustainability and efficiency in the hospital sector – How green can hospitals be, Institute of Legal and Political Sciences and Public Law Research Centre, April 2022;

– “Medical liability in public hospitals and in private hospitals”, in André Gonçalo Dias Pereira, Filipe Miguel Albuquerque Matos, Javier Barceló Domenech and Nelson Rosenvald (Coord.), Civil liability in health, Diálogo com o Prof. Doutor Jorge Sinde Monteiro, Coimbra, Instituto Jurídico | Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra, 2021, pp. 59-82;

“Access to health information and genetic information”, in Tiago Fidalgo de Freitas and Pedro Delgado Alves (coord.), O acesso à informação administrativa, Coimbra, Almedina, 2021, pp. 549-649;

– “A WHO e o multilateralismo no combate das ameaças transnacionais à saúde pública”, in Maria Luísa Duarte, Rui Tavares Lanceiro and Francisco de Abreu Duarte (coord.), Ordem Jurídica Global do Século XXI – sujeitos e actores no palco internacional, Lisbon, AAFDL Editora, 2020, pp. 173-198;

– Annotation to “Article 25 – Health”, in Joaquim Correia Gomes, Luísa Neto and Paula Távora (org.), Commentary to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Imprensa Nacional da Casa da Moeda, 2020;

– “Health Professionals”, in Paulo Pinto de Albuquerque (org.), Commentary on the European Convention on Human Rights and the Additional Protocols, Volume III, Lisbon, Universidade Católica Editora, 2020, pp. 2909-2929;

– “Introduction to the emergence of the health crisis”, in Carla Amado Gomes and Ricardo Pedro (coord.), Direito Administrativo de necessidade e de exceção, Lisbon, AAFDL Editora, 2020, pp. 217-287;

– A proteção e a promoção da saúde da pessoa idosa, in Carla Amado Gomes e Ana Fernanda Neves (coord.), Direito e direitos dos idosos, Lisbon, AAFDL Editora, 2020, pp. 133-180;

– Health data protection in public hospitals, in Revista de Direito Administrativo Year III, nr. 8, May-August 2020, AAFDL Editora, pp. 79-89;

– Medical secrecy, in Os Segredos no Direito, in (coord. Carla Amado Gomes, Ana Fernanda Neves and Pedro Lomba), AAFDL, Lisbon, 2019, pp.175-212;

– The fundamental right to health protection, in Revista E-PUBLICA, Revista Eletrónica de Direito Público, Vol. N.º 5, n.º 2 Abril 2019;

– Social concerns and assistance in illness in the Portuguese Constitutions (1822 to 1976), in Resgate da Dignidade, The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the 40 years of the SNS (Coord. José Martins Nunes), Minerva, Coimbra, 2019, pp. 113-168;

Testimony, in Cadernos da Lex Medicinae – no. 3 | Basic Health Law – Materials and reasons for a project, Legal Institute Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Coimbra, 2018, pp. 87-90;

– Health care provision and the age of consent, in A dignidade da pessoa humana na justiça constitucional, Lisbon, 2018, pp. 177-204;

– The groupings of health centres, hospital centres and hospitals, in Organização Administrativa: Novos Actores, Novos Modelos, Volume I, Lisbon, 2018, pp. 363-417 (co-authored with Luciana Sousa Santos);

– The commissions, in Administrative Organization: New Actors, New Models, Volume I, Lisbon, 2018, pp. 713-742 (co-authored with Marco Aurélio Constantino);

Green Public Procurement, in Actas do Workshop ICJP/Colégio F3  Será a Agricultura Biológica Sustentável, Carla Amado Gomes and Rute Saraiva (coord.), ICJP, ISBN: 978-989-8722-21-8, 2017, pp. 51-81.

– Groupings of contracting authorities, central purchasing bodies, framework agreements, in Atas da Conferência A revisão do Código dos Contratos PúblicosMaria João Estorninho and Ana Gouveia Martins (coord.), ISBN:978-989-8722-17-1, 2016, pp. 254-273.

– Advance Directives of Will, Lisbon, AAFDL, 2014.

– Civil liability in the provision of health care in public and private health establishments, in Responsabilidade na Prestação de Cuidados de Saúde, Jornadas de Reflexão, e-book Instituto de Ciências Jurídico-Politíticas da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa, coord. Carla Amado Gomes, Miguel Assis Raimundo e Cláudia Monge, 2014, pp. 6-59.

– The responsibility of hospital establishments integrated in the National Health Service for acts of health care provision, in Novos temas da responsabilidade civil extracontratual das entidades públicas, e-book Instituto de Ciências Jurídico-Politíticas da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa, coord. Carla Amado Gomes and Miguel Assis Raimundo, 2013, pp. 95-117.

– Le droit de la santé et la relation de soins, in Le droit de la santé et la justice, colec. Séminaire d’actualité de droit médical, Bibliothèque de Droit de la Santé et d’Éthique Médicale, 2013.

– The contractual liability of an establishment integrated into the National Health Service, Annotation to the Judgment of the TCA-Norte, of 30 November 2012 (proc.01425/04.8BEBRG), in Non-contractual Civil Liability of Public Entities, Jurisprudence Annotations, e-book Instituto de Ciências Jurídico-Politíticas da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa, coord. Carla Amado Gomes e Tiago Serrão, 2013, pp. 33-55.

– “A responsabilidade dos estabelecimentos hospitalares integrados no Serviço Nacional de Saúde por actos de prestação de cuidados de saúde”, in Carla Amado Gomes and Miguel Assis Raimundo (), Novos temas da responsabilidade civil extracontratual das entidades públicas, e-book Instituto de Ciências Jurídico-Políticas da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa, 2013, pp. 95-117.

– Direitos Reais – Jurisprudência Seleccionada para as Aulas Práticas, in Januário da Costa Gomes (org.), co-authored with Catarina Martins da Silva, Diogo Pereira Duarte, Elsa Sequeira Santos and Sofia Ferreira Henriquez, Lisbon, AAFDL, 2004.

Other publications:

Impact Assessment. How to do it and with what benefits?, in DPO Magazine, October 2020;

– General Data Protection Regulation and the processing of health data, in Actualidade e Economia Ibérica, April 2017;

– Impact assessment and health data in the new General Data Protection Regulation, in Advogar, Direito & Advocacia, July 2017;

– Data Protection press article in the Mais TIC Cibersegurança e Privacidade dos Dados supplement of the Jornal Económico, 2019 (co-authored);

– General framework of the new GDPR and national law – Health data in particular (co-authored), Vida Judiciária, May/June 2018.

Courses and conferences

  • Speaker in post-graduation courses, conferences, and seminars in Administrative Law, Public Procurement, Data Protection, Health Law, and Public-Private Partnerships, namely:

– “The role of Ethics Committees”, Master’s Degree in Palliative Care, Faculty of Medicine, University of Lisbon, 20.06.2024;

– “Health as a fundamental right and its protection through the courts”, Are National Higher Courts Securing Fundamental Rights? Litigation Techniques towards Implementation of EU Acquis on RoL and Fundamental Rights – TRIIAL 2 project, Cross border Training Workshop, Lisbon Public Law Research Centre, 24.05.2024;

– Personal Data Protection Training, 22.05.2024, Jornal da Madeira;

– Access to health information and information on genetic matters, in the Postgraduate Course Access to administrative information – Health information module, University of Lisbon Faculty of Law, 21.05.2024;

– Processing of health data, Data Protection, Security and Compliance Course | MOD III, Institute of Legal and Political Sciences and Public Law Research Centre, 20.05.2024;

– “Equality and access to health care”, in Perspectives on the principle of equality, Luso-Brazilian Colloquium in Honour of Professor Jorge Miranda, Institute of Legal and Political Sciences of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon and IDB – Institute of Brazilian Law of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, 14.05.2024;

– “Regulatory compliance and public-private partnerships in the health sector”, Postgraduate course on Law enforcement, compliance and corporate responsibility, Private Law Research Centre, University of Lisbon Law School, 02.05.2024;

– Contractual Vicissitudes (I): Modifications to the contract – general regime for additional works and services, I Postgraduate course in public contract management – from the conclusion to the contract cancellation, 19.04.2024;

– “Health and Social Security Law”, in 50 Years of Law in Portugal, Anatomy of a system in transition, Faculty of Law, University of Lisbon, Institute of Economic, Financial and Tax Law, Commemorative Commission 50 years of 25 April, Foundation for Science and Technology, Research Centre for European, Economic, Financial and Tax Law, 21.03.2024;

– Migrants’ access to health, II Advanced Course on Immigration and Nationality Law, Institute of Legal and Political Sciences and Public Law Research Centre, 14.03.2024;

– Special regimes: health, Course on Civil Liability of Public Entities, Institute of Legal and Political Sciences, Faculty of Law, University of Lisbon, 13.03.2024;

– “Green Hospitals”, Centre for Health Law, Science and Policy, Birmingham Law School, University of Birmingham, 23 January 2024;

– “Direitos e deveres das instituições de saúde e das associações de utilizadores”, at the Conference Hospital sem muros, Meeting with Patients’ Associations, Centro Hospitalar Universitário de Lisboa Norte, E.P.E., 18.12.2023;

– “The right to healthcare and the European Court of Human Rights jurisprudence”, in Judicial Protection of Health as a Fundamental Right, ETJN Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms Project, 14.12.2023;

– “Health as a fundamental right: a European Union law perspective”, in Judicial Protection of Health as a Fundamental Right, ETJN Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms Project, 14.12.2023;

– “Access to medical information by heirs and fundamental rights”, in the Course “Dignity, autonomy and duration of human life”, Private Law Centre of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, 17.10.2023;

– ONE HEALTH, Human health, Animal health, Environmental health – Law, I Postgraduate Course, Faculty of Medicine, University of Lisbon, Continuing Education Unit, 11.10.2023;

– Speaker at the INFARMED Conference: Use of Health Data – Health Data: perspectives and challenges, 25.09.2023;

– “Patient(s) and rights”, New challenges to Health Law, Faculty of Law, University of Porto, Summer School, 14.09.2023;

– “Communication and quality in Gastroenterologists: what is failing and what we can improve”, in Medical-Legal Course – Gastroenterologists, Gastroenterologists in the 21st century – Communicating with patients, living with the law, 20.05.2023;

– Regulatory compliance and public-private partnerships in the health area, IV Postgraduate Course on Law enforcement, compliance and corporate responsibility, Private Law Research Centre, Faculty of Law, University of Lisbon, 18.05.2023;

– “The role of Ethics Committees”, Palliative Care, Faculty of Medicine, University of Lisbon, 18.05.2023;

– Contractual Vicissitudes (I): Modifications to the contract – general regime for additional works and services, I Postgraduate course in public contract management – from the conclusion to the cancellation of the contract, 13.05.2023;

– Processing of health data, III Data Protection, Security and Compliance Course | MOD III, Institute of Legal and Political Sciences and Public Law Research Center, 18.03.2023;

– Migrants’ access to health, II Advanced Course in Immigration and Nationality Law, Institute of Legal and Political Sciences and Public Law Research Center, 16.03.2023;

– “Pacto Ecológico – sustentabilidade e contratação na área da saúde”, 14th National Public Procurement Congress – Portuguese Association of Public Markets, 13.12.2022;

– “The protection and promotion of the health of the elderly”, Fundamental Rights of the Elderly, EJTN Human and Fundamental Rights, Centro de Estudos Judiciários, 22.11.2022;

– Processing of health data, III Data Protection, Security and Compliance Course | MOD III, Institute of Legal and Political Sciences and Research Center;

– Speaker at the Conference Analysis and Discussion of Draft Law n. 24/XV/I – Mental Health Law, promoted by the Regional Council of the Portuguese Bar Association, 03.11.2022;

– “People’s rights in the context of health”, ACAD-Ativos pela Saúde, 4th Edition | 2022-2023, 13.10.2022;

– Speaker at the conference “Controversial aspects in the epidemiological control of Infectious Diseases: Ethics, Law and Public Health”, Org. EGAS MONIZ/LACPEDI/LAHSB, 30.09.2022;

– “Climate change and implications for healthcare”, Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal, 09.06.2022;

– “The role of Ethics Committees, II Postgraduate Refresher Course – Ethical Dilemmas at the End of Life”, Faculty of Medicine, University of Lisbon;

– “Green hospitals and ecologic contracting”, The 5th European Conference on Sustainable and Innovative Public Procurement, 06.05.2022;

– ONE HEALTH, Human health, Animal health, Environmental health – Law, I Postgraduate Course, Faculty of Medicine, University of Lisbon, Continuing Education Unit, 19.04.2022;

– Green Hospitals, Sustainability, Right to health and environmental law, Environmental Health Institute – Students’ Association of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Lisbon – Faculty of Medicine of the University of Lisbon, 17.03.2022;

– “Public and private health in times of pandemic”, IX Lisbon Legal Forum, promoted by the Brazilian Institute for Teaching, Development and Research, the Public Law Research Center of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, the Institute of Legal and Political Sciences of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, the European Brazil Integration Forum and the Getulio Vargas Foundation, November 16, 2021;

– Green Hospitals: between the right to health and environmental protection, in Sustainability and efficiency in the hospital sector: How green can hospitals be?, promoted by the Public Law Research Center of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, by the Institute of Legal and Political Sciences of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, November 10, 2021;

– “The protection of the right to health in national and international law”, in THE RIGHT TO HEALTH AND MEDICINES IN A CHANGING WORLD, Govind Ramnath Kare College of Law, In cooperation between the Kare College of Law, Margao, Goa, and the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, October 18, 2021;

– “Health and GDPR”, at the Conference 3 years into the GDPR in public administration, promoted by the Institute of Legal and Political Sciences and the Public Law Research Center, September 21, 2021;

– “Patient(s) and rights”, New challenges to Health Law, Faculty of Law, University of Porto, Summer School, July 20, 2021;

– “Living will, a national priority?”, Research Seminar II – Ethics and Spirituality in Palliative Care, Master’s Degree in Palliative Care, Faculty of Medicine, University of Lisbon, April 16, 2021;

– “Data processing in the area of Health”, conference promoted by the European Institute and the Institute of Legal and Political Sciences of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, March 31, 2021;

– “Public health as a basis for restrictions on other fundamental rights”, I Jornadas de Direito da Saúde, promoted by the Academic Association of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, March 24, 2021;

– “The fundamental right to health protection in the new basic health law”, II Congress of Health Law, University of Minho, March 11, 2021;

– “Limitations of Fundamental Rights for the Elderly in Times of Pandemic”, European Judicial Training Network (ETJN) 2020 webinar series, December 17, 2020;

– Speaker at the Conference Social Europe – the fight against inequalities Conferences of the European Institute, Cideeff and the Jean Monnet Chair, Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union, with the theme Health in particular, 26.11.2020;

– Special schemes: health, lecture given at the II Course on Civil Liability of Entities, 26.11.2020;

– Special regimes: health, lecture given at the II Course on Civil Liability of Public Entities, of the Institute of Legal and Political Sciences of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, 26.11.2020;

– Public health and civil protection: the law on the public health surveillance system, lecture given at the Postgraduate Course in Civil Protection, of the Institute of Legal and Political Sciences of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, 25.11.2020;

– Patients’ rights in Portuguese law: ethics and legality, Academy for the Empowerment of Patients’ Associations – 3rd Edition, ADVOCACY OF HEALTH CITIZENSHIP, training unit, National School of Public Health, 24.11.2020;

– Access to health information, lecture given as part of the II Advanced Course in Health Law, promoted by the Institute of Legal and Political Sciences of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, 11.11.2020;

– The Basic Health Law and Medicines, Postgraduate Refresher Course, V Medicines Course, Institute for Interdisciplinary Research, Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, 05.11.2020;

– Participation as Moderator in the Workshop Decide Today, Participate Tomorrow, Advance Directives and Scientific Research, promoted by the Evidence-Based Health Institute, 13.11.2020;

– The constitutional guarantee of the right to health protection through the National Health Service, lecture given as part of the II Advanced Course in Health Law, promoted by the Institute of Legal and Political Sciences of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, 02.11.2020;

– Speaker at the International Responsibility and Pandemic Conference, International Colloquium, organized by IJP – Instituto Jurídico Portucalense and SPDI – Sociedade Portuguesa de Direito Internacional, on the theme of International Responsibility of States, 30.10.2020;

– Introduction to Health Law, lecture given as part of the II Advanced Course in Health Law, promoted by the Institute of Legal and Political Sciences of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, 21.10.2020;

– Inaugural intervention and closing of the Conference on The COVID-19 Pandemic and Health Law – A Legal Perspective on the Public Health Crisis, promoted by the Institute of Legal and Political Sciences of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, 19.10.2020;

– Training course on the General Data Protection Regulation, at the Centro Hospitalar Psiquiátrico de Lisboa, 18.09. and 12.10.2020;

– Training session on the legal aspects of the General Data Protection Regulation; Research in particular, “Community, Education and Development”, CIS-IUL (ISCTE-IUL), 17.09.2020;

– International Health Law and the response to pandemics, lecture given as part of the preparation course for the entrance exam for the diplomatic career, promoted by the Institute of Legal and Political Sciences of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon and by the Public Law Research Center of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, 21.07.2020;

– O erro médico, Sistema no fault, Conference promoted by the Lisbon Regional Council of the Portuguese Bar Association, 03.06.2020;

– “Data protection in health establishments”, in the Update Course The Covid-19 Pandemic and Data Protection, of the Legal Institute of Communication of the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra, 12.05.2020;

– Lecture dedicated to the topic “The fundamental right to health protection” to the Medical Course of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Lisbon, 18.02.2020;

– Speaker on the topic “Health data protection” in a training activity for the Medical Internship promoted by Centro Hospitalar Universitário Lisboa Norte, 06.01.2020;

– Lecture under the theme Special Regimes: Health, in the Course on Civil Liability of Public Entities, of the Institute of Legal and Political Sciences, 17.12.2019;

– The Informal Caregiver, at the Conference “Existing as I Exist”, promoted by APELA – Portuguese Association of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, in Coimbra, 13.12.2019;

– A class dedicated to the topic of Dynamic procurement systems, Framework Agreements, and tied procurement, in the Postgraduate Course in Public Procurement Law, promoted by the Institute of Economic, Financial and Tax Law, the Institute of Legal and Political Sciences, and the European Institute of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon;

– Collaboration in the 13th, 14th, and 15th Postgraduate Short Courses on Medical Liability of the Biomedical Law Centre of the Coimbra University Faculty of Law;

– Public accountability policies and contractual liability – Of health in particular, in Colóquio Luso-Brasileiro de Direito Público, org. Instituto de Ciências Jurídico-Politíticas e Centro de Investigação de Direito Público, 15.11.2019;

– Data protection in public procurement, in 13th National Congress on Electronic Public Procurement, Organization APMEP – Portuguese Association of Public Markets, 29.10.2019;

– Participation in the Workshop – The national law implementing the RGPD: what to expect? University of Lisbon Law School, organized by the Public Law Research Centre, with intervention on the Processing of health data and genetic data, 11.10.2019;

– The protection and promotion of the health of the elderly person, in O direito e os direitos da pessoa idosa, org. Instituto de Ciências Jurídico-Politíticas e Centro de Investigação de Direito Público, 08.10.2019;

– Anonymous Damage, The medical error, org. Lisbon Regional Council of the Bar Association – Seixal Delegation, 01.10.2019, in The medical error, org. Lisbon Regional Council of the Bar Association – Amadora, Oeiras, Mafra and Sintra Delegations, 18.07.2019, and in The medical error, org. Lisbon Regional Council of the Bar Association, 25.06.2019;

– The Data Protection Officer, I, II, III and IV Intensive Course on the new General Data Protection Regulation, University of Lisbon Law School, Institute of Legal and Political Sciences, on 19.06.2018, 28.06.2018 and 18.09.2018 and 12.09.2019;

– Health data processing and genetic data, in Workshop – The national law implementing the GDPR: what to expect? University of Lisbon Law School, Public Law Research Centre, 01.07.2019;

– Business intelligence in health and fundamental rights, in Serões da Saúde 2019, Session 2 – Data Protection in Health – what changes?, org. Inspeção-Geral das Atividades em Saúde, Lisbon, Infarmed Auditorium, 26.06.2019;

– For the rights of people who care and those who are Cared for, in Awareness Action APELA – Portuguese Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Association, Lisbon, 21.06.2019;

– The status of health professionals in the European Convention on Human Rights, in Congress on the European Convention on Human Rights and the Additional Protocols, at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, org. European Court of Human Rights, Bar Association and Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, scientific organization Paulo Pinto de Albuquerque, 05.06.2019;

– The empowerment and rights of people in the health context, in Serões da Saúde 2019, 2nd Cycle, org. General Inspection of Health Activities, 08.05.2019;

– Round Table Challenges in applying the RGPD and the charter of fundamental rights: health, criminal cases, consumption, Data protection, implementation of EU law and dialogue between courts, University of Lisbon Law School, org. Institute for Legal and Political Sciences and Public Law Research Centre in partnership.

– Medical confidentiality, in Os Segredos no Direito (Secrets in Law), University of Lisbon Law School, organized by Instituto de Ciências Jurídico-Politíticas and Centro de Investigação de Direito Público, 19.02.2019;

– Speaker at Round Table on the theme Dialogue with Patients | Biosimilars: the patient’s perspective in the therapeutic decision, promoted by Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública, 13.02.2019;

– Patients’ rights in Portuguese Law: the difference of knowing, in Seminar – “Can Patients influence the political agenda”, Academy for empowering patients’ associations, org. National School of Public Health, 08.02.2019;

– Right to health in Portugal, in Public Law and Risk, University of Lisbon Law School, Luso-Brazilian Colloquium, org. National Association of Members of the Public Prosecutor’s Office, Institute of Legal and Political Sciences and Public Law Research Centre, 29.01.2019;

– General data protection regulation: the regime of the Personal Data Protection Law (LPDP) as to “sensitive data” (art. 7) versus “Processing special categories of data” (art. 9 RGPD) and the new figure “Data Protection Officer” (data protection officer), in I Postgraduate Refresher Course – Medical Law, Leges Artis, Clinical Practice, Faculty of Medicine of the University of Lisbon, 09.11.2018;

– Lecture dedicated to the topic The Basic Law on Health: a new paradigm?, in the IV Course on Medicine Law, of the Research Centre for Theory and History of Law of the University of Lisbon, 18.10.2018;

– Training Action Contract Manager and the execution phase, 26.09.2018;

– General data protection regulation: consent in clinical research, in Da regulação à proteção dos cidadãos: aspetos jurídicos, Infarmed – Autoridade Nacional do Medicamento e Produtos de Saúde, I.P., 19.09.2018;

– Aggregation and rationalization instruments: framework agreements, dynamic procurement systems and electronic catalogs, in Update course on the revision of the public procurement code, Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, Institute of Legal and Political Sciences, 19.06.2018;

– The Protection of Personal Data, debate promoted by Universidade Católica Editora, at the Lisbon Book Fair, 10.06.2018;

– Grouping of contracting entities and Central purchasing bodies, in Update course on the revision of the code of the public contract, Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, Institute of Legal and Political Sciences, 22.05.2018;

– Updates on Biologics and Biosimilars, org. Portuguese Association of Hospital Pharmacists, 10.03.2018;

– The revision of the public procurement code, Public Procurement, and PPPs, org. Inspectorate General of Finance and NOVA IMS, 18.01.2018,

– Central purchasing bodies, framework agreements, and dynamic procurement systems, Update course on the revision of the Public Procurement Code, Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, Institute of Legal and Political Sciences, 08.11.2017;

– How to listen to Users and their Perspectives”, 2nd edition Lean Health Meeting, Portuguese Association for Hospital Development, 03.11.2017;

– Public procurement and sustainable food, Agro Network, Faculty of Law, University of Lisbon, 26.10.2017;

– Aggregation and rationalization instruments: framework agreements, dynamic procurement systems, electronic catalogs, clusters of contracting authorities, in As principais novidade do código dos contratos públicos revisto, Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, Institute of Legal and Political Sciences, 26.09.2017;

– Access to health information and information on genetic matters, in Postgraduate Course Access to administrative information – Health information module, University of Lisbon Law School, 18.07.2017;

– Groupings of contracting entities, Central purchasing bodies, Framework agreements, in Postgraduate Course Public Procurement, Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon European Institute, IDEFF and ICJP, 11.05.2017;

– Health Data Protection and the Regulation (EU) 2016/679, Interdisciplinary Network on Health, redeSAÚDE, 4th Annual Conference, May 4, 2017;

– Analysis and practical application of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, 27 April 2016, Conference “Impact of EU Regulation 2016/679 (processing of personal data) on Information Systems Governance, Católica Porto Business School and European Club for Information Systems Governance, 27.04.2017;

– Health data and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 – the rights of patients and data subjects, in particular, Portugal eHealth Summit, Shared Services of the Ministry of Health, 05.04.2017;

– New General Data Protection Regulation, in particular on health data, Clarification session, Palácio Sottomayor, Lisbon, 14.12.2016;

– Green public procurement, Workshop ICJP/Colégio F3 Será a Agricultura Biológica Sustentável, Institute for Legal and Political Sciences and Public Law Research Centre, 04.11.2016;

– In search of public-social partnerships?, “Economia social: do conceito à prática”,¸ University of Lisbon Law School & D. Pedro IV Foundation, 12.10.2016;

– Groupings of contracting entities, Central purchasing bodies, Framework agreements, in Anteprojeto de revisão do código dos contratos públicos, Lisbon University Faculty of Law, Institute of Legal and Political Sciences and Public Law Research Centre, 15.09.2016;

– Cloud computing and health data, Lisbon eHealth Summer Week, 30.06.2016;

– Symposium on genetics and personal data protection, “Genetics Clinic of the Future (GCOF)”, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, 7 June 2016;

– Health and Environment as a determinant of health: Competences and responsibility in the Portuguese legal system, III Luso-Brazilian Journeys of Environmental Law: Legal Guardianship of Environmental Health in Brazil and Portugal, Brazilian Law Institute, 08.03.2016;

– State Civil Liability for Medical Error, Specialization Course – Administrative Law Themes, Centro de Estudos Judiciários, 20.05.2015;

– Cross-border healthcare provision – its compatibility with the Public Contracts Code, Seminar – Public Procurement in the Health Sector – New Dimension, SPMS, Portuguese Catholic University, 20.11.2014;

– Living Will – Legal Analysis, Conference Association of Portuguese Catholic Doctors, 31.10.2014;

– Civil liability of public health establishments, Conference “Civil Liability of Public Entities”, PLMJ – Sociedade de Advogados RL, 13.03.2014;

– Civil liability in the provision of health care in public and private health establishments, at the Jornadas de Reflexão sobre Responsabilidade na Prestação de Cuidados de Saúde, of the Institute of Legal and Political Sciences of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, 13.12.2013;

– Patients’ Rights and Duties and Civil and Criminal Liability for the Provision of Health Care, in Seminar HEALTH LAW, ELSA Lisbon Faculty of Law, 19.04.2013;

– PPP in Health A Privileged Reflection in 3 Perspectives, Porto Faculty of Economics, 01.03.2013;

– Public procurement and access to information, University of Lisbon Law School, 02.2013;

– A responsabilidade dos estabelecimentos hospitalares integrados no Serviço Nacional de Saúde por atos de prestação de cuidados de saúde”, in Novos temas da responsabilidade civil extracontratual das entidades públicas, org. Instituto de Ciências Jurídico-Politíticas da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa, 05.12.2012;

– Intervention on data protection in a conference organized by the Commission for Access to Administrative Documents and the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon in May 2009;

– PPP Project Finance, Perspetiva Jurídica, org. in Portugal/iiR Angola, 17 March 2011; The Legal Side of Public-Private Partnerships, A estrutura do contrato de um projecto de PPP, org. NPF, 16.05.2007.

Areas of practice