Changes to the Labour Code

The information session “Changes to the Labour Code and its regulations”, organised by the American Chamber of Commerce in Portugal with the support of Manpower Group and in collaboration with BAS – Sociedade de Advogados, took place on 15 October last.

The keynote speaker, Alexandra Almeida Mota, a lawyer from BAS in the practice area of Labour and Social Security, talked about the new regime of fixed-term contracts and temporary work; the trial period; the new model of organisation of working hours, reinforcement of the obligations of the employer – professional training and harassment in the workplace; changes to the procedure for dismissal and the new rules on collective bargaining.

The last topic of the session tried to clear some doubts related to the Code of Contributory Social Security Regimes.

Sessao Esclaracimento sobre as Alterações no Código do TrabalhoSessao Esclaracimento sobre as Alterações no Código do Trabalho

It was a clarifying morning on the changes related to labour legislation and with immediate implications in the day-to-day life of companies. The questions raised, the examples and the clues presented, contributed for the session to be very practical and useful in clarifying the many existing doubts.

It should be noted that the amendments to the Labour Code and its respective regulations, which focused on various aspects of labour relations and working conditions, came into force at the beginning of this month.

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